Friday, April 23, 2010

Started workin...

Hey people!

It has been a while since I wrote, thought i might get you up to date!
I have now been working for two weeks (praktik/työharjoittelu) and i have to say it feels pretty good, definetly beats just beeing home doing nothing even tough i don't get as much paid as i "should", yet...Still four more weeks and then i will officially be employed, so im looking forwards to that!

I have been thinking quit a bit about Malawi again, and it feels good to make just plans, because i don't feel that i am in a hurry in any way. Hopefully i will get permanent employment and get to stay where i work for the autumn and winter, and so on....In that case im thinking of going back to Malawi for a couple of months during next winter! =)

I can't really think of anything else to write about this time, but life does feel good!! =)

Take care guys, and here's a video i uploaded to youtube from last time i was in Malawi:
Dancing at an open air meeting! =)

Friday, April 2, 2010


Thought it might be time to write something again, but i haven't got a clue yet what to write about, so here goes!
Been thinking quite a bit lately, about the future, making  plans for it, but there is one thing that has specially got stuck on my mind.
Bringing the kingdom of heaven to earth.
We many times think (we, as in we who believe in Jesus and  in the power of his work) that all that there is to it is just being saved, getting forgiveness for our sins, and having a place secured in heaven. Some people might even think as far as, why can't this time just be over, Jesus come back now so that we might enjoy heaven and all that is included with that. Maybe i should just put us in three groups instead, and with that i don't mean to put us in groups even tough im just gonna do that right now.

1. Those who remember the "good old days" and are happy and satisfied with what they got and just waiting for Jesus to come back.

2. Those who are all the above but not quite satisfied with what they got, those who want more but don't really know what it means or how to get there.

3. We, i say we because i believe im in this group, who understands that there really is more to it and knows what it means.The Kingdom of Heaven on earth!

Maybe i should add another group aswell, and that is those  who really are living and understanding The Kingdom of heaven on earth in their own life, and by the way, where i want to get myself indeed!
There is more to it!!!

Now to what i want to empower or share.
We can have The Kingdom of heaven on earth! Amen! And do you know why? Because heaven is in us, in each and everyone of us. When Jesus was crusified and ascended to the heavens to sit on the right side of The Father God, He left us a promise of The Holy Spirit,and with that comes the gifts of The Holy Spirit! This has already come to pass in the second chapter of Acts, and is still happening everyday!
Jesus left the "job" to us and he gave US the power to actually do the job!
In Matthew 10 Jesus gave us instructions, Matt 10:7 ;As you go, preach this message: 'The kingdom of heaven is near.' 8Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons.
Freely you have received, freely give.
Now, we might think, "yes, God heals thru us, or even think that Jesus only uses some "big" men of God to heal people", and we wonder or make theology of why God does not heal always. I personally think that we should put that thougt aside and not even wondrer or make theology of that. Jesus said, "lay your hands on the sick and they shall be healed/recover"! End of story. God is willing to heal always!
Even the disciples made theology in John 9 as Jesus saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" And then Jesus answered to them:
 3"Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life. 4As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. 5While I am in the world, I am the light of the world."
Here He says that "we must do the work of him who sent me". No questions asked, He was simply doing the job He was sent to do. Then he says: "while I am in the world, I am the light of the world", and now we are, as we know the light of the world and we are sent to do the work of Him who has sent us!
So, what i want to emply with this is that we should just do what we are sent to do, and keep on going, not being discouraged, no matter what happens when we lay hands on the sick.

There is so much more to this, not just healing, and this would probably take forever to go thru, but the thing i want to leave to you is: Gods Kingdom is within each and everyone of us, and we should share it with everyone around us. God is a supernatural god and he wants us to be a part of His works!  Grocery store healing.

Happy Easter to you!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

S. Abrhm @ Borås Finska pingst

Hey folks!

Today i've been at church all day long behind the computer screens taking care of the powerpoints and I also tried to do live webcasts of the meetings with my cellphone. It worked out okey but the sound uptake was not the best. You can check out the first meeting  at Qik and parts of the second meeting at Livecast. Since i was preoccupied with the computers i'm afraid i did not get the whole message, but there was definitely some good parts that i recieved. I think if i wouldn't have had any responsibilities, i would have got more from the message. But i guess we sometimes have to give to recieve another time! =)

Went to church at 1:30 pm and came "home" to my brother's place around 9pm, so im quit beat at the moment. I'll leave you at this, and here's a pic of our visitors :

Take care!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hello once again!

Hello people!

I decided to start writing again for some reason. I guess my thoughts were something like: "why not blog about everything that's going on in my life, instead of just dreams of Africa like before".
So... I was just trying to change and figure out the layout of the blog for like an hour or two and i think this one is okey, for now atleast.

Almost a year has passed by since i last wrote and i must say it has been a crazy and wierd year in many ways. I've been thru so many things, and sadly most of them have been a bad experience. 
Here's a few examples:
  • A relationship that i badly wanted to work did not work (altough looking at the situation now im quite glad it did not work out).
  • I have been unemployed since i came back from Africa. Went to a few jobintervues without any good results.
  • My personal life with God has been like a huge rollercoaster, ups and downs with a lot of downs and "slip-ups".
Looking back at the past year, even tough it has not been a succesful year, I have learned a lot, about myself, actions and consequenses, and generally about life, I've even learned how to weld during a three months period!

At the moment, things are starting to look brighter. I have been talking to my ex- employee about starting to work again, and it seems like i could do that in the near future.
There's a lot of things going on this spring, like church events, and im excited to see what that'll bring!

Well...I think this is it for now, I'll try to get back to you soon with more!
Keep on smiling, it might make someones day!


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I Am Because We Are

Haven't written anything in a long time... Malawi is still in my heart, but it's on the cool for now....
I got some pretty good inspiration tough from watching Madonnas documentary about Malawi, you should check it out! Here is the link:
We all can help in some way!!
God bless you!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

No money, no funny!

Hello y'all!

After a long time without writing I thought that I would continue, but this time from Sweden!
Coming back from Malawi I thougt that I would have a place to work at (my ex-employee), but instead I've been unemployed for more than three months.
In the beginning I was happy to have some time to just relax and do nothing, but after about a month I found myself being really bored!
Having a lot of time means to me, having a lot of time to wonder and think, and for me that's thinking of and longing back to Malawi.
This is very frustrating sometimes, not being able to do anything about the project we started together with Sam, no money, no funny!
I guess having "no money" sometimes paralyzes you, not wanting to or having the strength to do anything about the situation. A positive idea came to my mind a while back, registering an organization, creating a website for it, and then start gathering funds by going out telling people about the needs in Malawi.

The idea seems to be very simple and good, but I haven't done anything about it yet. First of all, i don't know how to register an organization, and what it means taking responsibility for other peoples money, do I need to keep a book of the transactions and so on....? If you have some ideas or knowledge about this matter, please help me! =)

Having written all of this, I think I've said enough for now... I will be back with more of my life, if thats any interesting?? =)

Take care, and never let go of your dreams, they might mean the whole world for somebody one day!

/ Henrik Kosonen

Monday, September 1, 2008

9th day in Malawi

Hey everybody!
This is now my 9th day in Malawi and ill try to update the blog atleast a little bit.
I arrived at the Kamuzu airport around 1 pm on the 23rd of august and a friends friend came to pick me up, named Thomas Banda. After relaxing for about an hour or so in his house he wanted me to come with him and his wife to a wedding reception, the experience was good and fun! =)
After one night in Thomas house he put me on a bus/coach to Blantyre where pastor Sam and his familymembers were recieving me...I was so happy to see them again!
I was supposed to rent a house nearby, but that failed since the owner of the house wanted 3 months rent right away and i had only sent one monthsrent ahead, i guess the owner was in need of money....but then God opened up an even better option, just next door to the pastors house i may moove in on the 27th of sept, and until that ill stay in Samuels and his familys house, sleeping on a mattress in the livingroom! =) I am not complaining, but i havent still packed upp my two suitcases! there is simply no space where to put my things!

Im running out on time now, so ill just quickly tell u what i have been doing and add some pictures a nother time....

Tuesday last week, we went to a village with a southafrican missionary called Piet. There he held a pastors conference for two and a half days, me and Sam slept in a tent and himself in a tent on top of his car. The teaching was very good and simple, opended up my eyes on several areas.
Thursday afternoon we headed towards Mangochi, wich is in the south of Lake Malawi, we spent a night there on a missionsboat where up to 12 persons could sleep. We had a good time together with the person who was taking care of the boat and his friend from Mozambique. In the morning we went to look at a piece of ground that a friend of Sams and Piets was interested in buying for building a Christian lodge.

Home on friday afternoon, visited a doctor cuz i have been a bit sick, Saturday I was a photographer at a wedding wich was also nice. A sister from church that i had also met before last time in Malawi got married.....atendend a graduation from a bibleschool, went to another weddingreception, went home to rest for an hour, then I went with same to an openairmeeting where Sam preached.
Sunday: We went to church and i Preached from James 2:14-17, wich is also a part of "the mission" for my time here.....okey...Im leaving now...ill be back with pics from the past week....ciao! God bless!